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  Solar photovoltaic systems, wind hybrid power systems, island / mountain scenery, hybrid power systems, mobile portable solar power systems, solar stainless steel lawn light, household solar photovoltaic power generators, solar power, etc. and small household composition.
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LED light Location:Home >> Products >> LED light
TF-SK-004 Light Cup
1. Material: Aluminum 2. Input voltage: AC85-240V 3. Power: 1 * 1w 4. Power: Prudential Alliance led
TF-SK-005 Light Cup
1. Material: Aluminum 2. Input voltage: AC85-240V 3. Power: 1 * 1w 4. Power: Prudential Alliance led
Colorful lights solar TF-SK-028/029
1. Material: Aluminum 2. Input voltage: AC85-240V 3. Power: 3 * 1w 4. Power: Prudential Alliance led
TF-SK-063 4w solar light corn
1. Input voltage: AC100-240V 2. Power: 4w 3. Power: Prudential Alliance led dedicated power supply (
TF-SK-064 UFO lights 4w
1. Input voltage: AC100-240V 2. Power: 4w 3. Power: Prudential Alliance led dedicated power supply (
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Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Dongguan City Moriizumi solar PV Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  粤ICP备09111437号   Power by XY NET
Address: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Mayfair Road, Dalang Town, 812-826   
Tel: +86-769-83031051   Contact: MR Zhao  
Solar power applications include: island / mountain wind and solar power generation systems, the field of solar power systems, solar stainless steel lawn light, household solar photovoltaic generators, small household solar power generation and home solar power system.